100% Human-Driven Commercial Outsourcing in the Age of AI:
Dream or Reality?

By Jean-Charles Spanelis and Emmanuel Camara – June 2, 2024

Commercial outsourcing: On May 29, 2024, Jean-Charles Spanelis discussed with Emmanuel Camara, Co-founder of Ginseng Web, the impact of AI on this practice.

Discover how a human, multicultural, and international approach can transform your sales and marketing strategies.

If you’re ready to take steps to grow your sales and are wondering which path to take is best—hiring, outsourcing, or training—we’re here to help.

Individual Sales Coaching
Business Strategies
Nadia Bulcourt

Why individual Sales Coaching

Jean-Charles Spanelis explains the unique benefits of one-on-one sales coaching, offering valuable insights to maximize your potential and accelerate your professional success.

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Increase your sales
Business Strategies
Nadia Bulcourt

Salespeople and Marketers: 4 actions to Increase your Sales

For salespeople and marketers looking to boost their sales, this article presents four high-impact strategic actions. From setting up targeted campaigns to optimising sales processes, discover practical solutions to accelerate your growth and achieve significant results in just six months.

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