Author: Jean-Charles Spanelis

Jean-Charles Spanelis évoque les critères de sélection des profils
Expert Interviews (LIVEs and Recordings)

Selection criteria:Sex, age, place of birth, first name, diploma

Despite efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, criteria such as gender, age, place of birth, first name and diploma remain decisive in the selection of profiles. Jean-Charles Spanelis expresses his regrets and analyzes this reality in an exclusive video.

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Gérer 30 000 contacts B2B dynamiquement n'est pas une mince affaire (CRM) Interview de Jean-Charles Spanelis de Finelis

Managing 30,000 B2B contacts dynamically is no easy task (CRM)

Master the challenges of managing 30,000 dynamic B2B contacts with CRM tools. This article offers insights into efficient contact management techniques that enhance your business interactions and data accuracy, ensuring you leverage every opportunity for success in B2B relations.

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Image illustrating the integration of the Channel Manager into the global sales strategy to maximise revenues and business opportunities.
Business Strategies

Why the Role of a Channel Manager is Essential in a Global Sales Strategy

This article highlights the fundamental need to integrate a Channel Manager into your global sales strategy. Explore the strategic reasons behind this choice, from competitive advantages to effective coordination of distribution channels. Discover how a competent Channel Manager can be the driving force behind your revenue growth and your company’s success in the global marketplace.

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